The 1930's fashion appealed to me. While researching more, I came across the Art Deco Movement from 1925 which went onto 1939.
Art Deco was a popular international design movement, affecting the decorative arts such as architecture, interior design, and industrial design, as well as the visual arts such as fashion, painting, the graphic arts and film. Its popularity peaked in Europe during the Roaring Twenties and continued strongly in the United States through the 1930s.
The two important buildings constructed on this style are the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building.
One style that never goes OUT of style is the art deco theme.There is nothing like taking what is old and making it new again.
Here is an inspiration board below to see how Art Deco has evolved from then to now.
The new age of Art Deco offers the same sensual striking style it did in the early 1930's - with a softer air of sophistication. Christian Dior stepped up front for the new Spring 2009 line of Art Deco's romantic side. Feminine in every sense of the word.
A few features of the Art Deco style are:
- sweeping curves
- strong sense of lines
- bands of colour
- Chevron Patterns
Ref :
Features of 1930's
- Wall Street Crash of October 24, 1929 and subsequent Depression.
- Clothing was mended and patched before being replaced. Less ready-to-wear garments were purchased, even though styles were dramatically changing.
- A softer, more feminine style replaced the boyish, flapper look of the twenties. At the beginning of the decade, hemlines dropped dramatically to the ankle and remained there until the end of the thirties. Necklines were lowered while torsos were sensuously molded beneath squared shoulders. Darts were replaced by soft gathers. Dress waists returned to the natural waistline. Moderately full skirts accentuated a small waist and minimized the hips. Dress bodices were designed with inset pieces and yokes. Necklines received dramatic attention, often with wide scallop-edged or ruffled collars.
- Skirts were also designed with great detail. Upper skirt yokes appeared for the first time, designed in a v-shape and extending from one hip to the center of the yoke and continuing to the opposite hip. Layered and ruffled looks debuted on skirts, sometimes in tiers. The skirt bottom was often full with pleats or gathers.
The keywords describing this decade:
- conservative
- feminine
- rounded busts\
- waistline curves
- folds
- longer skirts
- stylish 30's
!930's Art Deco Collar's Cuffs Pattern and Fashion

Some artist work on the theme of Art Deco
Interesting surface treatments