This blog is an attempt to document the process of my Diploma Project in Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology.
We were briefed on the final project… The next 14 hours went futile as my mind was more or less blank. However, I decided to wear no blinker, keep an open mind and not generate any ideas for the project till I do my exploratory research on the internet and flip through books in the library.
Now more than 36 hours have passed and I do have a sketchy idea as to what I REALLY WANT TO DO…
My thoughts are torn apart by two things….
Should my project be based on some kind of pertinent daily issues??? social, environmental??
Should my project convey a strong message??
Environmental issues have always been close to my heart.
But this time I want to do something else.
I want to do something that relates to my personal life or someone elses life…
May be narrate a story, illustrate someone else’s life, talk about secrets, talk about the bliss and the agony of marriage and then gladly dedicate the project to my mother etc..
10:45 P.M 17-03-2010
I knew by the time I hit the bed last night, in what direction I wanted to proceed..
9:20 AM 18-03-2010
Now what??
While I brainstormed further and delved deeper on the specific ideas, I realized that there are a few social issues which surfaced uppermost in my mind.
So why not leverage on my personal stories to address the social issues that have affected everyday life..??
May be subtly…..
Or may be just keep it personal…!!!!!